Press Release

  • 30 August 2018

Visit by Dr Jens Weidmann, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank, to Greece at the invitation of the Hellenic Bank Association

On 30 August 2018, the Hellenic Bank Association hosted a gala dinner in honour of Dr Jens Weidmann, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank. Other guests included the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Development Mr Yannis Dragasakis, the Vice President of the Nea Dimokratia political party Mr Kostis Hatzidakis, the President of the Movement for Change (KINAL) political party Mrs. Fofi Gennimata, representatives of the Greek political community, the Governor and Deputy Governors of the Bank of Greece, the heads of the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund, the Hellenic Capital Market Commission and the Athens Exchange Group, the board members of several Greek banks, and representatives from the business federations SEV-Hellenic Federation of Enterprises and SETE-Greek Tourism Confederation, as well as a number of prominent Greek entrepreneurs and executives.


  • 30 August 2018

The Board of Directors of the Hellenic Bank Association (HBA) hosts a working luncheon for Deutsche Bundesbank President Dr Jens Weidmann

Today, Thursday 30 August 2018, the Chairman of the HBA, Mr Nikolaos Karamouzis, along with the members of HBA’s Board of Directors, hosted a working luncheon at HBA’s premises in honour of their distinguished guest, Dr Jens Weidmann, the President of the Deutsche Bundesbank. 


  • 13 March 2018

European Money Week 2018 – National Competition EMQ 2018 – Greece

The Hellenic Bank Association (HBA) participates for a fourth consecutive year with relevant activities in the "European Money Week" of the European Banking Federation. 

In this context, the first National Competition for the European Money Quiz was successfully completed today. The competition was conducted online among 51 classes from 25 Gymnasiums in Greece, coming from Athens, Thessaloniki, Karditsa, Kilkis, Florina, Larissa, Mytilene, Lamia, Andros, Chalkida, Astro Kynourias, Pyrgos Ilias and Tripoli.


  • 15 January 2018

Meeting of the Hellenic Banking Association with the Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Single Supervisory Mechanism, Ms. Danièle Nouy and the Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank, Mr. Benoît Coeuré

In the course of a comprehensive series of meetings programme of the Hellenic Bank Association (HBA) and the top management of its member banks with the supervisory authorities, two meetings were held in Frankfurt on Monday, January 15, 2018 with the Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), Ms. Danièle Nouy and the member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mr. Benoît Coeuré and their colleagues. HBA was represented by the Chairman of its Board of Directors and Chairman of Eurobank Ergasias, Mr. Nikolaos Karamouzis, the Chief Executive Officer of Piraeus Bank, Mr. Christos Megalou, the Chief Executive Officer of National Bank of Greece, Mr. Leonidas Fragkiadakis, the Chief Executive Officer of Eurobank Ergasias, Mr. Fokion Karavias, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Alpha Bank, Mr. Spyros Filaretos, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Executive Committee of HBA, Mr. George Aronis, and the Secretary General of the HBA, Ms. Charoula Apalagaki.


  • 15 January 2018

HBA/SEV/SETE Working Lunch Meeting in Frankfurt upon invitation of the President of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Mr. Jens Weidmann

On Monday, January 15, 2018, a working lunch meeting was held at the premises of the Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt, following the invitation of its President, Dr. Jens Weidmann, with German and Greek Central Bank representatives, the German Ambassador in Greece, Mr. Jens Plötner, and high ranking executives of commercial banks and the business community of the two countries.
