Press Release

  • 16 May 2017

EBF asks Commission to support ban on screen scraping - Privacy of client data, cybersecurity and innovation at risk if EBA standards are dismissed and screen scraping continues

BRUSSELS, 16 May 2017 – The European Banking Federation has asked the European Commission not to dismiss a key recommendation by the European Banking Authority (EBA) on future electronic payments in the European Union. The EBF fears that the privacy of client data, cybersecurity and innovation are put at risk if the Commission does not fully endorse the EBA standards.

PSD2 introduces a general security upgrade for third-party access to a client’s data, bringing an end to practices known as ‘screen-scraping’. Such services, seen as a first-generation direct access technology, let third parties access bank accounts on a client’s behalf by impersonating while using their access credentials. PSD2 calls for the creation of a technology-neutral level-playing field for banks and fintechs, new and old.


  • 11 May 2017

European banks call for appropriately finalising the regulatory framework to support efficiently economic growth and job creation

MALTA, 5 May 2017 -- European banks, through the Board of the European Banking Federation, today reaffirmed their commitment to supporting the European project through actively and responsibly financing businesses and households. The Board welcomed continued evidence of easing bank credit standards and increasing loan activity in the euro area, as demonstrated again in the first quarter by the quarterly Bank Lending Survey of the European Central Bank.

Given the particular significance of bank finance for Europe’s economy the EBF Board called on national and European policymakers for proper calibration when it comes to the finalisation of the wide range of regulatory measures still currently under discussion in the European Union. This is necessary so that banks can continue their financing commitment and support growth and jobs.


  • 7 March 2017

Meeting of the Hellenic Bank Association with the European Stability Mechanism (ESM)

The Hellenic Bank Association (HBA) represented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Nikolaos Karamouzis, the Vice-President Mr. Vasileios Rapanos, the President of the Executive Committee Mr. Spyridon Papaspyrou, the Secretary General Ms. Charikleia Apalagaki and the Chairman of the CFOs Steering Committee Mr. Vasileios Psaltis met today in Luxembourg with the Managing Director of the European Stability Mechanism, Mr. Klaus Regling.


  • 6 March 2017

Meeting of the Hellenic Bank Association with the European Investment Bank (EIB)

The Hellenic Bank Association (HBA) represented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Nikolaos Karamouzis, the Chairman of the Executive Committee, Mr. Spyridon Papaspyrou and the Secretary General, Ms. Charikleia Apalagaki met today in Luxembourg with the President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), Mr. Werner Hoyer, the Vice President responsible for Greece, Mr Jonathan Taylor and executive staff of the EIB.


  • 31 March 2016

Greek banks to join MyBank for internet and mobile payment transactions

Today the Hellenic Bank Association (HBA) and MyBank announced that the four systemically important banks in Greece will start to roll-out MyBank to their retail and corporate customers at the end of April 2016.

MyBank is an e-authorisation solution that allows bank customers across Europe to pay for their online shopping by using their own bank account: the MyBank button on the sellerΆs website redirects internet shoppers to their online or mobile banking platform, where they can pay by confirming a SEPA Credit Transfer order that already has all the details filled in.
