Press Release

  • 21 December 2020

The Hellenic Bank Association informs all card holders on the extension of implementation for contactless payments up to 50 euros without the use of PIN until 31st March 2021

Following the HBA announcement dated 22nd September 2020, its member banks, being consistent with their commitment for continuous assistance in limiting the impact of COVID-19 on public health and trading practice, will preserve until Wednesday 31st March 2021 the contactless payment limit up to 50 euros without the use of PIN. 


  • 14 December 2020

Useful tips for secure online transactions

During the last years in Greece, as well as worldwide, purchases of goods and services via electronic transactions by consumers and businesses has considerably increased.

In view of the Holiday season and due to the restrictive measures taken to cope with the adverse effects of the pandemic crisis Covid-19, the Hellenic Bank Association would like to raise awareness on the following issues:


  • 3 December 2020

HBA Announcement

The Hellenic Bank Association announces the decision of its member-banks to extend, due to the continuing adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the existing measures to strengthen the Greek economy. Taking into account the recent announcements by the supervisory authorities, it is specified that:


  • 20 November 2020


Banks stand by their customers in the second wave of COVID-19

  • Unprecedented action from banks and authorities to help mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19
  • Further measures to be considered to free up additional lending capacity
  • New capital regulation to be delayed or amended until pandemic situation has stabilised

BRUSSELS, 20 November 2020 – European banks stand ready to keep up their support for businesses and households amid growing uncertainty around the speed and strength of the recovery.

While it is too early to assess the full impact of the second ongoing wave of Covid-19 on the economy, it is clear that extraordinary support will still be needed in the next months to help the European economy to regain its full strength. Board members of the European Banking Federation (EBF), bringing together national banking associations from 32 countries, met on Friday by video conference. They reviewed recent actions taken by banks, supervisors and regulators and renewed their commitment to continuing playing a constructive role in the crisis.  


  • 30 October 2020

HBA Announcement

The Hellenic Bank Association, expressing its full support for those affected, announces that its member-banks will refrain, until 31st December 2020, from any legal action concerning debts of enterprises and individuals established in Samos island.