Press Release

  • 3 August 2020

The Hellenic Bank Association informs banking clientele about physical transactions that will not be effected in bank branches as of August 4th 2020, following the Ministerial Decision D1a/EC. 48002/2020 on 'implementation of the measure for the compulsory use of non-medical mask in commercial enterprises, office spaces and other public gathering areas throughout the Greek territory, in order to limit the dispersion of COVID-19'

The alarming increase of Covid-19 cases in July 2020 led to the legislative introduction of the mandatory use of non-medical masks by employees and consumers, together with the implementation/adoption of additional restrictive measures. HBA member-banks, in an effort to fully integrate these new measures (as per Ministerial Decision D1a/EC. 48002/2020), and aiming in safeguarding the health of banking employees and the banking clientele, notify/announce that as of Tuesday 4th August 2020, and until further notice, following transactions will not be effected, with physical presence, in any bank branch:


  • 7 July 2020

The Hellenic Bank Association announces the decision of its member-banks to extend, due to the adverse effects of COVID-19, existing measures to support Greek economy

Greek banks, members of the HBA, committed to active, immediate and effective support for the Greek economy, and given the flexibility provided by the competent supervisory and regulatory authorities, have decided to extend the support measures for businesses and individuals, directly and indirectly affected by the current crisis, and to provide facilities for the payment of their loan instalments until 31st December 2020.


  • 26 June 2020

Greek banks actively support Greek economy and growth

The banking sector, responding to challenges caused by the recent health crisis, supports directly and actively businesses and households by implementing integrated action plans under two main axes: (a) moratoria of instalments for thousands of affected businesses and households and (b) rapid financing of businesses in order to help them recover at this turning point of the economy. In doing so, HBA member-banks are helpers in the country's effort to face the health crisis and to recover as soon as possible, returning back on track of the economic growth. The banking industry traced the actual needs of the economy and responded promptly.


  • 11 June 2020

HBA Annual General Assembly Meeting

The Annual General Assembly Meeting of the Hellenic Bank Association was held on 11th June 2020 as a digital event, with the participation of Board of Directors’ members, as well as representatives from HBA member-banks and the General Secretariat. The Chairman of the HBA Board of Directors Mr. G. Handjinicolaou, in his speech referred to the extremely good conditions, under which, the Greek Banking System operated in 2019, a year during which:


  • 4 June 2020

European Money Week 2020 – Third National Competition EMQ 2020 – Greece

The Hellenic Bank Association (HBA) participated for a sixth consecutive year with relevant activities in the "European Money Week" of the European Banking Federation (EBF).

In this context, the third National Competition for the European Money Quiz was successfully completed on June 3rd, 2020.
