Outline of the programme
1. Banking legislation
- Legislation in force: (Directive 93/6/EEC, Directive 94/19/EC, Directive 98/31/EC, Directive 98/33/EC, Directive 2000/12/EC, Directive 2000/28/EC, Directive 2000/46/EC, Directive 2001/24/EC, Directive 2002/87/EC)
- Preparatory acts: (proposal for a Directive for new capital requirements regime for credit institutions and investment firms)
2. Capital markets
- Legislation in force: (Directive 85/611/EEC, Directive 93/6/EEC, Directive 98/31/EC, Directive 98/33/EC, Directive 2001/107/EC, Directive 2001/108/EC, Directive 2001/34/EC, Directive 2002/47/EC, Directive 2002/87/EC, Regulation 1606/2002, Regulation 1725/2003, Directive 2003/71/EC, Directive 2003/6/EC, Directive 2004/109/EC, Directive 2004/25/EC, Regulation 707/2004, Regulation 2086/2004)
- Preparatory acts: (level 2 and level 3 measures according to the Lamfalussy process for the Directive 2004/39/EC, level 3 measures for the Directive 2003/71/EC, level 3 measures for the Directive 2003/6/EC, Clearing and Settlement, Corporate Governance)
3. Payment systems
- Legislation in force: (Directive 97/5/EC, Regulation 2560/2001)
- Recommendations: (Recommendation 97/489/EC)
- Preparatory acts: (draft proposal for a new legal framework for payments in the internal market)
4. Consumer protection*
- Legislation in force: (Directive 87/102/EEC, Directive 90/88/EEC, Directive 98/7/EC, Directive 2002/65/EC)
- Recommendations: (Recommendation 87/598/∂EC, Recommendation 88/590/EEC, Recommendation 2001/193/EC)
- Preparatory acts: Proposal for a Directive on credit to consumers, proposal for a Directive on unfair commercial practices)
5. Money laundering and terrorist financing
- Legislation in force: (Directive 91/308/EEC, Directive 2001/97/EC, Regulation 2580/2001)
Preparatory acts: (proposal for a Directive on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering, including terrorist financing)
* Specific reference will be made to the acquis communautaire on consumer protection applied to all the professionals, including banks.