4 Δεκεμβρίου 2007

International Banking Summer School 2008

Next Wave and Beyond:
The Blue Ocean of New Banking and Financial Services

July 13 - 24, 2008
Hong Kong, China

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες:

16 Ιουλίου 2007

Foundation Banking Studies

Training programme and exams for the
European Foundation Certificate in Banking
- EFCB -

The Hellenic Banking Institute and 18 other members of the European Bank Training Network (EBTN) worked closely for two years in order to develop the European Foundation Certificate in Banking (EFCB). With the principal aim of supporting mobility in the European financial services market, the EFCB certification system was designed as a tool for banks all over Europe to use in recruitment, training and HR development procedures, and in establishing quality standards for client service. Moreover it is especially useful for banks with networks in various European countries, which seek to create synergies with the local markets.

Attached Files
EFCB Summary contents [File PDF: 84 Kb]
5 Ιουνίου 2007

European Monetary and Financial Law

Outline of the programme
(duration: 46 hs)

I. General Overview of European Monetary and Financial Law

  1. The process of monetary unification
  2. The process of financial integration

II. European Monetary Law

  1. The road to EMU: the economics of monetary union, history of European monetary integration, and the Maastricht Treaty
  2. Institutional structure of the monetary union: European Central Bank and European System of Central Banks
  3. The conduct of the single monetary policy in Stage III
  4. Exchange-rate policy and external relations of the monetary union

III. European Banking Law

  1. Freedoms to establish and provide services
  2. Licensing and prudential supervision of credit institutions
  3. Winding-up and reorganization of credit institutions
  4. Deposit-guarantee schemes

IV. European Payment Systems Law

A. Overview of the european payments law
B. Payment systems in EU
1. The Regulation on cross-border payments in euro

V. European Capital Markets Law

  1. Lamfalussy process
  2. Freedoms to establish and provide services
  3. Licensing and prudential supervision of investment firms
  4. Transparency of financial markets
  5. Clearing and Settlement

VI. European criminal financial law

  1. Money laundering
  2. Terrorist financing
  3. Financial malpractice

VII. Protection of consumer of financial services

  1. Provision of information
  2. General terms and conditions
  3. Unfair commercial practices
  4. Asserting consumer rights

5 Ιουνίου 2007

Acquis communautaire and recent evolutions
in the financial services sector

Outline of the programme

1. Banking legislation

  • Legislation in force: (Directive 93/6/EEC, Directive 94/19/EC, Directive 98/31/EC, Directive 98/33/EC, Directive 2000/12/EC, Directive 2000/28/EC, Directive 2000/46/EC, Directive 2001/24/EC, Directive 2002/87/EC)
  • Preparatory acts: (proposal for a Directive for new capital requirements regime for credit institutions and investment firms)

2. Capital markets

  • Legislation in force: (Directive 85/611/EEC, Directive 93/6/EEC, Directive 98/31/EC, Directive 98/33/EC, Directive 2001/107/EC, Directive 2001/108/EC, Directive 2001/34/EC, Directive 2002/47/EC, Directive 2002/87/EC, Regulation 1606/2002, Regulation 1725/2003, Directive 2003/71/EC, Directive 2003/6/EC, Directive 2004/109/EC, Directive 2004/25/EC, Regulation 707/2004, Regulation 2086/2004)
  • Preparatory acts: (level 2 and level 3 measures according to the Lamfalussy process for the Directive 2004/39/EC, level 3 measures for the Directive 2003/71/EC, level 3 measures for the Directive 2003/6/EC, Clearing and Settlement, Corporate Governance)

3. Payment systems

  • Legislation in force: (Directive 97/5/EC, Regulation 2560/2001)
  • Recommendations: (Recommendation 97/489/EC)
  • Preparatory acts: (draft proposal for a new legal framework for payments in the internal market)

4. Consumer protection*

  • Legislation in force: (Directive 87/102/EEC, Directive 90/88/EEC, Directive 98/7/EC, Directive 2002/65/EC)
  • Recommendations: (Recommendation 87/598/∂EC, Recommendation 88/590/EEC, Recommendation 2001/193/EC)
  • Preparatory acts: Proposal for a Directive on credit to consumers, proposal for a Directive on unfair commercial practices)

5. Money laundering and terrorist financing

  • Legislation in force: (Directive 91/308/EEC, Directive 2001/97/EC, Regulation 2580/2001)

Preparatory acts: (proposal for a Directive on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering, including terrorist financing)

* Specific reference will be made to the acquis communautaire on consumer protection applied to all the professionals, including banks.